main themes: moments - news - diary of

Friday, February 05, 2010

blueprintreview #24: call for submissions

the next issue of blueprintreview will be dedicated to flash fiction (short stories, flash stories, micro stories), and to 'flash images': snapshots, close-ups, crops of larger images.

here the keys to the issue:
'Micro Cosmos'
the small and the large aspects of life, and the way they connect, both in a physical and in an abstract sense: personal life and the global world; atoms and evolution; the butterfly and the tropical storm; subcultures and society; a moment and the future. the issue will also include a feature-page with links to essays on short stories / story formats / short story trends, so the one or other metafiction story would be good, too: words/stories and reality.

here the details:
BluePrintReview #24: 'Micro Cosmos'
submissions open: 15. February / close: 10. March

note: if possible, accompany story submissions with an image submission that fits the general theme - the idea for the issue is to shape a 'roundabout' of stories and images (accepted stories will be combined with an image from another contributor & vice versa) .

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