the new issue of BluePrintReview is now launching – the first 3 pages are online http://www.blueprintreview.de
this is the largest issue of BluePrintReview so far. and also: the most complex issue, with notes on the process included in almost every collaboaration. also, it’s the first issue that itself got transformed by the contributions – there are several new page formats included, some of them sent direclty, some indirectly inspired / transformed by other contributions.
like the issues before, this one will be launched in sequences, to give all contributions some individual recognition and space, with new sequencs going online on a probably biweekly basis – the issue will reach completion by end of April.
the issue also includes a “re:” page, with some notes on the process and extra links: re_synergy. i will also collect feedback to the issue there. feel free to drop a mail when you blog about the issue.
thanks to all who joined this issue and added their touch to it!
i hope you enjoy the collected collaborations.
and here, the link again: http://www.blueprintreview.de
spring synergies ~~
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