main themes: moments - news - diary of

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The whisper of a silent snowfall
drifting and cascading through
memory -
The hush of a clear blue vacant
sky -
The lakeshore on a moonless, star-filled
midnight -
The still waters encircling the
solitude -
The soft sway of moss laden
branches -
Rocking gently the moments of
calm -
The small painted bunting, watching
waiting -
For the drop of seeds,
The care with which they are placed
on the ground -

I am here.

I am alone.

So it should be.

This isolation envelopes like a grandmother's
quilt -
Resting within its silent
folds -
Welcoming the quiet warmth and
stillness -
The peace becomes cherished
knowing best
when it is needed most -

On this midnight shore
I am the Silent Ghost

copyright 2007 - Sheila Lynne

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