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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Riddle of the Bosch Pickle Jar

I did a project with my son to make rock candy,
and it became a photo op: Bosch Pickle Jar,
known otherwise as the Red Riddle.

The jar in the photo in the Bosch Pickle Jar link
is a Vlasic pickle jar, and here is another
version of that jar just above.

The jar contains sugar and syrup in water, and
strings are hanging from a paper platform at the

The label on the jar (and its Stork) and the
sugar-coated strings (pretty good rock candy)
made an interesting presentation—especially the
way in which the smooth strings and smoother
glass surface contrasted with the jagged crystals
of rock candy and the turgid richness of the
sugar water.

However, the overall color of the resulting
photos was rather dull, and dullness is often
overcome by color.

So, I converted the hue of the photos to a more
vibrant red, slightly orange shade, and I got what
looked to me to be a kind of Bosch hell.

Bosch indeed.

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