Reviews and Critisicm were one of the focus themes of the last week in the literary web, with whole chains of essays written in reflection and response. some selected links:
Review Roundtable & Re-Reading Reviews
The Art of the Book Review - interview series by Karen Lillis
"Has new media itself degraded (or evolved) the idea of a book review? To some writers, the blog format seems like a good excuse to write a casual review that may be even less thoughtful than a blurb. To other writers, a Goodreads account is a fine platform to write intelligent responses to steady reading. And there are plenty of writers, young and old, who are writing well-considered book reviews and getting paid much less than they were a decade ago, or not getting paid at all."
Poetry Foundation: 100 Years of Poetry: Re-Reading Reviews
"What should a book review do? Analyze, empathize? Compare, contrast? Historicize, contextualize? Defend, demolish? When I started reviewing poetry, I had no idea. .. But some years later, having published a hundred or so reviews, I think I may see what she meant."
The Best American Poetry: Women Who Write Poetry Criticism (Roundtable)
"Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to the fact that more men are being published than women. Because my sense is that there’s also a lack of women writing about poetry, I wanted to explore this topic in more detail with a number of women critics I admire. The following is the lively roundtable I moderated over the last few months between Sina Queyras, Elisa Gabbert, Shanna Compton, Juliana Spahr, Vanessa Place and Danielle Pafunda." - Sandra Simonds
Review Essay-Chains
Daniela Elza: of reviews and views (with a chain of essay links)
"Well, this is interesting. It is a discussion on reviews (positive or negative, if you are into dichotomies) that needs to happen. I am glad it is happening. Interesting how it is happening. It touches on a lot of threads that need exploring."
one of the starting points:
CWILA: The Ethics of the Negative Review by Jan Zwicky
"The critics killed Keats. What writer has ever had a bad review and not felt the truth of Byron’s claim? That squelching of self and creativity. It’s one of the reasons that, when I was review editor for The Fiddlehead in the early nineties, I made a point of requesting that a review be written only if the reviewer was genuinely enthusiastic about the book. I had other motives, too. One was that I hoped, in this way, to get writing that was engaged with its subject-matter, and not simply sleepwalking its way to another line in someone’s CV. Secondly, as a poet, I was only too aware how many excellent books were published each year to no public notice of any sort: it seemed perverse to kill trees to complain about the bad ones. But mostly I thought there was no need to sharpen the hatchets when a deathly critical silence would do all the public work that needed doing. It’s this motive on which I want to dwell because I know my views are not universally shared."
Salon: The case for positive book reviews (with links to related essays)
"Did you know that today’s literary criticism is submerged in a flood of niceness? Me neither. Yet that is the opinion of Jacob Silverman, a contributor to Slate, who complained of it earlier this month, and of my former Salon colleague Dwight Garner, who seconds Silverman’s emotion in this Sunday’s New York Times Magazine."
Salon: How not to write a bad review (with links to related essays)
"There has been a lot of writing on the Internet these past few weeks about book criticism — the evidently excessive niceness of writers on Twitter, and the need for writers to be able to criticize one another in public. My own response to this debate – on Twitter, of course — was that it’s possible to be a booster on social media and a critic elsewhere — on blogs and in newspapers. My own book reviews are often highly critical of their subjects — not because I am interested in putting down other writers, but because I don’t love most books, and think we should all be held to high standards. It is also interesting, for me anyway, to analyze why I don’t like something."
Well, I would say you learn to write when you realize there's a spark in you. You learn to grow when you realize you have the power to forgive. You learn to shine, when you overcome your dark side.
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