turning 7 and 2 things missed
today is a day of a celebration: 7 years ago, on 22nd May 2005, BluePrintReview launched. the issue is still up, here: BluePrintReview Issue 1, and consists of 9 pages: a text, a reality, a dream, a film, a prayer, a book, a walk, a motion, a reflection.
all issues are listed in the archive - which also shows the growth of BluePrintReview. from issue 10 onwards, the issue had themes - first those themes developed from the submissions sent, later there were theme calls. issue 17 includes a reflection on the growth in the note "about #17".
now BluePrintReview turned 7 in years, and 29 in issues. and i almost managed to miss the birthday. i just saw it an hour ago on facebook. but it fits: last week, issue 29, the Diary Of issue, arrived at completion.
only that it wasn't complete. one page had gone missing unnoticed: an experimental story with unusual main characters by Meg Tuite. i prepared the page yesterday, it is online now: Diary of a Girl's Legs. so, on the second step: completion.
language/place and blueprint book blog
not to forget on this birthday: since March 2010, the blueprint book page turned into an own blueprint book blog. and since November 2010, BluePrintReview has a sister publication: the > language >place blog carnival, an international journal that works in a different way: blog-based, with changing hosts and decentral structure. the current edition, hosted by Abha Iyengar is #15 "The Other", and the upcoming edition is hosted by Steve Wing, a long-time contributor of BluePrintReview, his edition has theme "Translation" in all its forms, submissions open first of June.
Happy Birthday, BluePrintReview!
i will go browsing the pages of the previous issues now, in celebration, but before that, i want to say Thank you to the countless authors and artists who contributed to this venue of words, images, and cross-connections. from the first to the current one, every single issue was a joy to edit, and to see grow and develop.
- Dorothee
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