the blueprintreview micro cosmos reached completion at the end of may. now, just 2 weeks into june, there is a wave of words and images and moves related to micro cosmos contributors, so here a micro cosmos contributor roundabout - surprise focus points are: fairytales/myths/classics, and real life journeys.
classics, myths, fairytales:
Shannon Anthony has a story included in Enchanted Conversation, a fairy tale journal: Manley and the Missing Link - a spin of a well-known tale.
Steve Wing has an image in qarrtsiluni, as part of their 'New Classics' issue: Cadillac Gargoyle. he also has 2 images included in the inaugral issue of Lantern Review: Door Shadow and Street Puddle Reflection.
Kirsty Logan has a story up in Seven Letter Words, a retold fairy tale titled Storytelling - and has a note on it in her blog: "I am a nerd for fairy tales. I wrote my undergrad dissertation on fairy tales. I teach a class in writing fiction based on fairy tales. I’ve written handfuls of fairy tale and mythology-inspired poems. But I hadn’t retold a fairy tale..." + she has a piece in the new >killauthor: Milk & Meat
Susan Tepper has a story on Tales From the Velvet Chamber, an anthology of revisioned fairy tales and myth: The Fall of Love -- and she has a new story in Metazen: "Floater" .
Pop, Asemics, Clay, published for a day, etc.
Karyn Eisler has a 'Pop on Fire'-image up in Referential Magazine, as reference to Jenny Billings’s poem “Love at the Movies”. in Referential Magazine. notes on the image and its pop-history are up in Karyn's blog: Pop on Fire.
Jeff Crouch contributed the image ing up to foffof, a journal of AsemicWritingLettersAndMarks (Asemic writing is a wordless open semantic form of writing). and more Asemics: Jeff also has a collaborate effort with Sheila E. Murphy and a film named Violent Rendezvous (with Ceclia Chapman) in The New Post-Literate Gallery of Asemic Writing.
Mel Bosworth has a story in The Northville Review called Need for Nothing, and Folded Word Press recently announced that his novella, Freight, will be released June 2011.
bl pawelek and Dorothee Lang have been published for a day in Word Riot, together with 60 other authors.
Kate Brown's story 'Two Girls Under an Apple Tree' has made it to the shortlist of the Bristol Short Story Prize. One of twenty stories, it will be published in their anthology, this summer. The winner will be announced on 17th July. & In the spring issue of The Linnet's Wings, she has a micro fiction that contains a whole life story: Swimming Pool.
Finnegan Flawnt has a writing story in Foundling Review: "Off the Record", and a flash story in the 52250 A Year of Flash project: "20:46 hrs - Chongqing, China"
poetry: a ghazal, a memory, a nonsense poem, and more
Ed Higgins has a poem, The Surge of Green (A Ghazal), in Little PinkShack, Vol. 2, No. 2, June, 2010, and a second poem: Memory At Near Zero in Dark Sky Magazine.
Cathy Douglas has a nonsense poem up at Verse Wisconsin, titled "A Memo Went Out"
Michael Brandonisio has two poems, Da Medea Brand and The Veil Wept, appearing online in the premiere issue of Milk Sugar, released in early June 2010. Michael also has 5 photos and texts up in the latest issue of Otoliths.
travel roundabout:
Mel Bosworth has been travelling to Boston, where he met with J.S. Graustein from Folded Word, Junior, and Rose Auslander, more in the Folded Word blog: Meeting in Boston
Karyn Eisler has been travelling to Europe, visited Budapest, and has met with the BluePrintReview editor in Vienna. some Budapest impressions are up in her blog: Post-Vacation Blue, and several impressions from Vienna as noted from Dorothee Lang (aka the BluePrintReview editor) are up in the editor's virtual notes: Vienna - musuem moments; Vienna & Bratislava; ways to take ....
Kate Brown is gearing up for the move to Berlin in four weeks time.
Kirsty Logan has a travel story in Pear Noir #4: Peach Cigarettes in Tokyo + some images to take you there: Tokyo + Tokyo + Tokyo
Cathy Douglas has a travel (& life) note up in her blog: "Paint it Black (Naples, Florida, June 3)"
Finnegan Flawnt will be leaving Facebook and Twitter (and some other territories of the online lit world), and enter the world of undistracted novel writing: "i am off on bloomsday, 16 june, as you know, anything hitting the road before that date will be spread like flowers!" --- all the best for the novel journey~
1 comment:
fantastically great roundup, dorothee. many many thanks.
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